Web game & Website management interface

Create Date: 2016/5

#1 the work of graduate school

In my master’s thesis, I divided it into two parts, Website and Web game.
The purpose of developmet is run in browsers on mobile device, so the actions are designed with touch-tap as main focus.

§ website part

The website which was designed for convenience management background to school teacher and the entrance to web game included the pages of starting game, statistical data, game records, score ranking and the topic of game.

Construct environment : PHP, Yii2, JavaScript, Html5, MySQL


§ web game part

The Web game is a kind of Tower-defense game, you need to place children in circle to protect your hamburger from invading insects. Would like to wipe out the insect, you should let children to shoot insect and correct the appeared questions while the insect became week.

Construct environment : PHP, C-Sharp, Html5, MySQL, Unity
