[Web] workout website for Ivan"s comment

Create Date: 2017/8

url : Click Me!

Construct environment : NodeJS, React, Redux, webpack, Lodash, less, antd

====== story sharing ======

At first, I go to gym regularly with my friend.
But it seems that hard to get hang of workout.
One day, We bumped into our high school classmate, who is good at excercise and weight training, in the gym.
We learned a lot of concept and skill from him.
He said that he was asked similar questions by many friends, so he wanted to summarize its to a document, including how to workout, how to eat after excercise and which food is good at muscle … etc.
I agreed this idea then i helped him to tranfer to website from Excel or Doc.
But Something happened in him after a period of time, so the schedule came to a standstill so far.
